HallMonitor Cases

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HallMonitor giver datagrundlaget til at skabe mærkbare forbedringer

Brian Worm Ahlquist
Chef for Kultur, Fritid og Borgerservice
Holbæk Kommune

“Det er i vores interesse at højne udnyttelsesprocenten. Vi bruger hvert år mange millioner af kroner på at drive sportshaller, og det er ikke godt nok, at op mod 30 pct. af bookingerne ikke bliver realiseret”

Rune Bille
Center for Leisure and Public Education, Odense Municipality

"We have obtained an effective overview of the usage of our halls, updated hourly across the municipality. This has provided us with new opportunities to optimise the operation of our many facilities."

Jakob Kloster Pedersen
Project Manager, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality

"We have gained a much better basis for both the allocation and adjustment of hall times. Today, there are reasonable 'prime time' slots available, not just less attractive times on Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons."

Rasmus Vestergaard Tander
Leisure Consultant, Odense Municipality

"It's a game-changer that we have raw data to present to our politicians. We can actually verify the pressure on our facilities, and that the desire for more hall time is not just based on speculation."

Anders Hørberg
Idræts- og fritidskonsulent
Kalundborg Kommune

"Nu får vi konkret data på, hvor meget kommunens haller rent faktisk bliver brugt. Der er stor interesse for at få haltider, og vi vil gerne have så mange brugere som muligt ind."

Sådan virker HallMonitor

Gennem automatisk aktivitetsregistrering og dataopsamling skaber HallMonitor grundlaget for optimering, besparelser og adfærdsregulering af jeres idrætsfaciliteter.